Going Silver: And Your Friends

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Twenty-seven months, no color: Jan 22, 2016

Going Silver: And Your Friends

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Sharing my journey down Silver Linings Lane hasn’t been easy–it takes courage to stand up to social norms. Recently, a dear friend of mine confirmed that speaking out and setting an example is a good thing. Check out her Facebook post:

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Wow, I inspired my friend! I’ve heard this from others–privately–but, was overjoyed to see Valerie’s post on Facebook. Our story has a unique twist. You see, Valerie inspired me–years ago. When I met Valerie we were in our 20s and she had prematurely gray hair. I thought it was cool, she carried it well, and looked great! When I considered going natural, I thought about Valerie and how good she looked with silver strands back in the day. Here are some pictures of us back in the 90s.

Glenda and Valerie in 1992

Glenda and Valerie in 1992 – You can’t really see the gray in this pic, but you can in the next. I just wanted to show us together!

Valerie in 1992

Valerie in 1992 – Now, you can see the silver streaks!

And, here is my response to Valerie’s post and her story in her-own-words …

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And, this is my beautiful friend now … on her way back down Silver Linings Lane.

My friend Valerie

My friend Valerie

We each have our own way of moving through this phase, but I have found a common theme. Once we’re on a roll, we see the stunning silver, and want a full head of it! Valerie told me, “I’m getting impatient already! My gray coming in is so pretty!! I do plan to eventually have a few lowlights periodically to break up the totalness, but it will be so much healthier and require less maintenance. I’m very excited for the journey.” And, so am I … for those of you who aren’t so sure about going silver. Just do it! There are others like me and Valerie who are happy to support you! Please subscribe to my blog and feel free to share your thoughts and emotions along the way. You will experience a lot of them – good and bad. We all have! But, it’s worth it … you will see! I’d love to hear from you! Let’s do this!

About Author

glenda nelson

A dimplomatic (dimples+), happy soul with lots of love for the world community. I live by St. Exupery's words: "...that which is essential is invisible to the eye."

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