Going Silver and Acceptance
Watching my father adapt to having Parkinson’s Disease has not been easy. But then, that’s how life lessons work. It’s uncomfortable to face change. At times we are forced to make changes and at other times we can hide from reality behind something like “hair color”. Our family is not hiding from the harsh realities of Dad’s diagnosis and we aren’t sitting around crying about it either. We are accepting the revised life script and making the most of the time we have together. One thing I really admire is how my father has kept his sense of humor. He’s coping the best he can and keeps us laughing.
That is exactly how I am moving through the phases of going silver and “aging” in general: accepting the stages with open arms and a good sense of humor. Join me as I celebrate 31 months in the “no color” zone. If you want to read more about acceptance, check out my blog post from 2015. It’s full of spunk!
If you just decided to “Go Silver” … welcome! You are in good company. If you need encouragement along the way, subscribe to my blog and speak up. Let’s do this together. Or, join a forum or two on Facebook. I have found some incredible women who have encouraged me to continue my journey down Silver Linings Lane. Whatever you do … know that there are others who are going through the same thing. Join us … as we keep it real!